Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Year is Flying By...

Holey Smokes! Can you believe it's already November???? Every year about this time, I ask, "WHO put grease on the calendar?!" No one ever 'fesses up, though. Sigh.  Must be that "Murphy" guy!  LOL

.......and here we are, already into the second week of November!  Yow!  Well, folks, I've finally found my missing stencils, so I can now get back to work making more of my recycled wood coasters.  Woo Hoo!

   Here are a couple of photos of ones already  made:

These are square, irregular thickness pieces of knotty pine, salvaged from packing material.  Go green!  ;-)

I also plan to offer some with kitty-cats.  The one pictured below is but a single one that is a prototype. 

 Please visit the poll in the sidebar at top right, and help me choose which color kitties would be most popular for the new coasters!  ;-)  I'm sure I'll do at least a few of each, but having an idea of which color should be the highest quantity would be helpful.  Thank you!

My Friend, Christine B.

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