Well, I finally managed to snag a treasury! you can check it out HERE . Landing one of these coveted spots is tricky, and time-consuming. Unless you have absolutely nothing to do but sit in front of your computer waiting on the last hour or so of the countdown to the next opening, you're pretty much out of luck.
You have to have all your ducks in a row, and be spot-on with the timing. You cannot answer the phone, run for a potty break, go get a snack or anything else. If you take your eyes very far from the computer screen, you will miss the opening! Guaranteed!
Advice on how-to? Calculations? Nope, not from me. There are entire forum threads and Storque articles devoted to the matter. the best resource I have found, at least the one most helpful for me, is the Treasury countdown clock on Craftopolis . All the other assorted directions are about counting pages, adding or subtracting mintues, trying to allow for folks ending their treasury early... blah, blah, blah. Phooey! Too much calculating and math for my brain! I let the Craftopolis clock do that for me. And it worked!
Have your items picked out a day or so in advance, and waiting in Poster Sketch (there are how-to's within Etsy), and I even went so far as to pre-compose my title in a Word document, and had it copied to my clipboard, so when the slot opened up, all I had to do was paste it in, and not worry about trying to type in a big rush and making a mistake, and ending up loosing out.
That's it for today--short and sweet. And now it's time for my show...
15 years ago