Wednesday, April 14, 2010

At Long Last!

Success, at last!  I have been trying to get a video series done about my ceramics, and met with one frustration after another.

First it was not having any blank tapes, and lacking any spare cash to buy some, then, it was finding time to create the video and get it edited.

From there, enter one maddening frustration after another with You Tube.  I finally gave up on them, and went to, and here is the result:  (click here).

It uploaded smoothly, and was a frustration-free process.  I recommend their service!  (Oooops..was that a plug?!) 

You can select for the video to open in a new window by right-clicking the link.  If it you cannot for some reason, simply click the 'back' button on your browser to return here when you've finished watching.

I hope you enjoy the video.  Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Hi Lizzy, Many thanks for visiting me over at Pen And Paper, its always nice to 'see' new faces.

It must be such a relief to be making such progress, I wish you well in the making of your video.

My Friend, Christine B.

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